Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Here is a Mix that I made of Michael Jackson's Beat It (from the Thriller album).

If you want to download the file, contact me at:

Please note that you can see the lyrics better in full screen mode.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Grandma Strikes Back!

Sorry I haven't posted in a while but
you see, my Grandma Gigi had this old clock. It was reliable and unfolded out of a carrying case.
We had a big fuss at iHop whether Grandma should have it or I should have it(I was for grandma should keep it).
Anyways, she won and she snuck it into my mom's purse. So on our next visit I snuck it into her night stand. a day later... it was in my traveling bag.
So a month later I put it in my Grandma's purse.

Then we left for England.

Grandma sent us some tennis shoes as a gift. And what was in the top of the package but ...........

THE CLOCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!